

17 December 2014

10 Reasons We Love Darynda and Charley

interview chairs

Darynda and Charley tell us what they would do in these situations. What would you do?


 1. In a box you discover a library book 5 years overdue.

DARYNDA: I would definitely take it back (while wearing the cone of shame) and pay restitution for my wrongdoing.

CHARLEY: I would totally reread it. Clearly it was a good book.


2.  You go to the fridge to get milk and the container is empty.

DARYNDA: I would shake my fist at the closest culprit (probably my husband) and run to a convenience store for more.

CHARLEY: I would sneak next door and steal some from Cookie. It’s okay, I have a key.


3.  Your neighbor allows his dog to poop on your front sidewalk and said neighbor never cleans it up.

DARYNDA: I would probably scoop it up and put it on his sidewalk.

CHARLEY: I would probably scoop it up and put it on the hood of his car.


4.   If you watch TV what’s the best show ever?

DARYNDA: Anything by Joss Wheddon.

CHARLEY: The Walking Dead


5.   Second language you would learn.

DARYNDA:: Well, my second language is ASL, but I would love to learn French as well.

CHARLEY: I know them all already, though Klingon was quite the challenge.


6.   Dream vacation.

DARYNDA: Anywhere with a beach.

CHARLEY: Anywhere with half naked guys on a beach.


7.    Deepest fear.

DARYNDA: Losing someone close to me.

CHARLEY: Losing someone close to me only to have them stick around for a decade to give me dating advice. And wedgies.


8.   Shoe of choice-sandal, five inch hooker heels, Oakley boots.

DARYNDA: Oakley boots, hands down.

CHARLEY: All of the above. There are just times when five-inch hooker heels come in handy.


9.   Prefer to drive a Suburban or Prius?

DARYNDA: Definitely a Prius.

CHARLEY: Suburban, baby. Size matters.


10.   Day or night person?

DARYNDA: I do better in the daylight hours, though I do work some pretty late nights.

CHARLEY: Night. I look good in black.



This post was first posted on the Ruby Slippered Sisterhood. Please take time to visit this amazing site. It provides entertainment, inspiration, and encouragement for writers.