

16 July 2015

10 Things I’ve Learned About Love by Being the Grim Reaper

Beautiful Woman Drinking CoffeeBy Charley Davidson,  Grim Reaper


  1.     Love is everlasting. When humans pass, all the loves they’ve had in their lifetime surface. They get to relive the joys from their first crush to the first kiss with their soul mates. It is a most exquisite agony.
  2.     Love is encouragement. It never belittles, diminishes or discredits. It’s only true happiness lies in the edification of its recipient.
  3.     Love is an addiction for which there is no cure. Humans love to be in love. The endorphins that flow through us cause a special kind of euphoria. One that we crave and on many levels need.
  4.     Love is a battlefield. According to Pat Benatar.
  5.     Love is friendship on fire.  
  6.     Love is the sacrifice of our own desires for the good of our other.
  7.     Love is a hurricane. It is powerful enough to transform you in a moment, can drown you in its force, and calms only when we think we can handle no more.
  8.     Love is anything but jealous. Jealousy is a combination of immaturity and insecurity. When those emotions prevail, there is no room left for true love.
  9.     Love really does conquer all.  
  10.  “Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.” —HL Mencken