

27 April 2015

Beam Me Up Monday with Kieran Kramer

beam me up Monday

There’s something so bad-ass about standing alone.***

What’s the best thing about stand-alone books?


You never have to wait for the sequel!!!!


That’s a good thing, right?


You can hop into my worlds and hop out again.


A stand-alone story stays a shimmering whole, not altered by circumstances in another book.


But if you really want to, you, the reader, can dream up bigger aspects of the story world in your own imagination, and no one, including the author, can take that away from you.




As you can see, I also enjoy writing stand-alone sentences that become their own paragraph, LOL.


 I think it’s the poet in me.


 I enjoy the drama.


Okay, so my three contemporary romances are stand-alones. I had written historical romance series before that. Those books were tied together through theme and with an occasional crossover of some of the characters (really, just short appearances). In other words, the plots didn’t hinge on each other at all.


 I don’t like thinking in a way that doesn’t come naturally to me (some people might say I don’t like challenging myself, but I don’t see it that way). Outlining, plotting boards…I’ve tried them, but none of it truly resonates--that is, adhering to that sort of structured writing process brings me no joy. Life is too short to waste time being who I’m not.


So I focus on what I can do as a writer. I’m a vivid dreamer. Things mainly come to me as ideas, a scene, a compelling situation. I don’t always see connections happening until the book is nearly over, and then I realize that my subconscious saw it all along.


Mapping out story worlds consciously, in other words, is just not my thing.


Yet I did do those two historical series (the second one has three books left in it to write), and I probably will write more series! But let’s get to what I do now. Can I just say that it’s so awesome being able to write my contemporary stand-alones? It’s like sinking into a bubble bath and going, “Ahhh!!!” What a joy for me, honestly, to write these books.


SWEET TALK ME was my first. Then came YOU’RE SO FINE. And in August, TROUBLE WHEN YOU WALKED IN will hit the shelves.

 sweet talk me   your so fine   trouble when you walk in

Yes, they’re stand-alones, but thematically, they’re connected as much as my series were. I can’t help writing what’s important to me. All my heroines are big fighters. My heroes have great senses of humor, are super hunks, rely too heavily on their natural gifts and talents, and have never been challenged in their lives, really, until they meet the heroine and have to learn the value of connection. I love a Southern setting since I grew up in the Lowcountry of South Carolina, so they share that aspect, too.


Being immersed in all things Southern, I can’t help writing funny. And poignant. And I have a huge love of community.


When I write my stand-alones, I always leave those books wishing I could live in them. And I can—because they never change. They’re there forever, like that little Scottish village in Brigadoon.


So what do you think? Are you addicted to contemporary romance series? Or are you ready to dive into some stand-alone contemporary romances? I hope you’ll try mine.


Thanks so much, Darynda, for having me here. I LOVE your fans!


***I told you standing alone was bad-ass. If you’re not sure, watch this old but awesome music video. It’ll pump you up! You’ll be reading stand-alone books in no time, LOL!!!



Hugs, everyone~

Kieran J

  Coming this August

trouble when you walk inAuthor Bio

KieranHeadShotUSA Today bestselling author Kieran Kramer currently writes fun contemporary romance for St. Martin’s Press. A former journalist and English teacher, Kieran’s also a game show veteran, karaoke enthusiast, and general adventurer. She lives where she grew up-in the Lowcountry of South Carolina-with her family. Find her on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and at www.kierankramerbooks.com.