

08 July 2014

Cookie and Amber Are Dishing It Out! ~(Exclusive Character Interview)

cookie and amber

 Recently Cookie and Amber were interviewed by the lovely Braine from Talk Supe!  Check out what the ladies had to say!!!


Braine : Hello Cookie and Amber! It’s such a pleasure to have you here with us today:


Cookie: Thank you for having us!

Amber: Hi.



 Braine: Cookie, how would you describe your relationship with Charley?


Cookie: In a word, turbulent. Not so much our relationship, but our lives because of it. Our relationship is . . . well, I feel like Charley is more a sister than a friend or employer. We just clicked the first time we met, you know? And the more I get to know her, the more impressed I am.





Braine: Amber, you and Charley seem to have gotten closer. What would you say are Charley’s most endearing qualities?

 Amber: She’s like a crazy aunt I can tell anything to. And she talks to dead people all the time. I crack up when she uses her phone so the alive people don’t know she’s talking to the dead people. Also, she named her boobies.




 Braine: Cookie and Amber, both of you have been witness to some bizarre and unexplainable things since Charley moved into the Causeway. When did you first notice that Charley was different?

 Cookie: Well, I noticed it pretty early. I had to drag the truth out of her, and it took some getting used to, but she’s growing on me.

 Amber: I noticed right off when she was outside our apartment while we were moving in, talking to a light bulb. Not many people do that.



 Braine: Cookie and Amber it seems you have a new neighbor. How has that change been? Cookie do you borrow much sugar?

Cookie: Oh, well, ahem, it’s been nice. (Looks at Amber. They both nod.)

Amber: Nice. Yeah. I saw his penis. It was an accident.



 Braine: I’m sure it was. Cookie, you’re turning a little red. Are you okay?

Cookie: Just fine. Thanks.




 Braine: Okay, well rumor has it that you are a huge Ubie fan. Have you developed feelings for him and if so when where does your relationship stand? Is he helping you hone your shooting skills.

Cookie: (Blushes harder.) Yes, Robert and I are becoming very good friends.

Amber: I caught them making out on the couch.

Cookie: We were talking, sweetheart.

Amber: With is tongue down your throat? And then his hands were on your—



 Braine: Amber! Um, Amber, you’ve been seen with a very handsome young man yourself lately. Is he your boyfriend? We’ve been told you are learning to sign as well. Is there any particular reason why you have decided to learn the language?

Amber: (Squirms.) Yeah. Quentin. But we're not like boyfriend and girlfriend. Just friends. For now. Mostly because mom says so. And I’m learning ASL so I can talk to him. Otherwise we have to text back and forth or write notes. Signing is a lot easier, but I don’t know it all yet. Quentin says I’m a fast learner though.



Braine: I’m sure you are. Thank you so much Cookie and Amber for stopping by and answering my questions.

Cookie: Thank you for having us.


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