

16 June 2014

Dear Younger Me

writng gif.Have you ever wished you could go back in time and talk to your younger self?   What if you could write a letter and have it be carried back in time? What would you tell yourself? Here is a letter I wrote. XOX! 


 Dear Younger Me,

As I look back at what I could have
accomplished if I’d had the courage, I wish I could tell you to go for
it. Whatever it is, just go for it. You ARE smart enough to write. You
ARE personable enough to step forward and make friends. And you AREN’T
too skinny. You’ll miss that someday. Trust me on this one.
No, you will not marry Captain Kirk, but you know that man that you saw
when you were 10 with the long blond hair and wicked black muscle car?
Yep, you’re going to marry him just like you said you would, and you’ll
stay married for at least, as of the writing of this letter, 30 years.
Cherish every moment with your children. No, it is not possible to tell them
you love them too much. And when they flood a small town south of
Albuquerque? Don’t be too hard on them. How many kids can say they’ve
flooded a small town? It’ll look adventurous on a resume.
Don’t take anything for granted. Especially your mind. Eat for good health
and a clear mind. Love your family, even the weird part.
And remember always: When you fail, get back up, dust yourself off, and try
again. You’ll never get anywhere by pouting. Also, there will soon be a
Powerball jackpot worth over $600 million. Here are the numbers.
                                                                                        Older Me

PS, Your little sister rocks and you become best friends. Stop treating her like a leper.



What would you say in your letter?

Note:  This fun letter was first posted during the Darynda Jones blog tour at Addicted 2 Heriones.  Check out this wonderful site!