

17 September 2010

Drum Roll Please….

Introducing my sparkling and effervescent new website designed by the ridiculously talented Liz Bemis (who is also a Ruby Sister of mine) at Bemis Promotions!!! I am so thrilled with this thing, you have no idea. Here’s what I hope to achieve with it: First, I want a dynamic place where those interested in me (though I’d like to mention right off the bat I’m taken, but thanks!) and my books can visit often and find continuously updated information on new releases and appearances, but also goodies like free reads from the Graveyard, the deleted scenes section, and offerings from our Café Press store, not to mention giveaways from upcoming contests. Second, this site is all about the fans! Apparently, my number one goal in life is to entertain. I hope I write books people will love and create characters people will want to visit again and again. There is nothing I like better than when a writer has somehow managed to make me laugh and cry at the same time. That kind of talent astounds me, and it is a peak I hope to reach for my readers. While I’m pretty new to the world of publishing, I’ve been spinning tales since before I could write. Stories are in my blood. I think I’m such a happy-go-lucky person that for balance I create worlds in my head full of energy, turmoil and angst, where the most imperfect character overcomes unimaginable odds to achieve greatness. And, of course, love. I want breathtaking and surreal to mingle with the indifference of everyday life, to be grounded and so utterly believable, the reader doesn’t even think to question the possibility of such an existence. It simply is. And I like books with hot guys. Third, I want to hear from my readers, because no one is more important than you. Please feel free to contact me, leave comments and submit stories to the fan fiction area. (I know it’s early, but hopefully this will skyrocket once I actually have something on the shelves.) I am so excited about the fan fiction, and I encourage each and every person to give it a shot. What fun we will have! ~D~