Girls with Glasses: A Cry for Help
Due to my nigh-elderly state, I had to get bifocals. Yep, bifocals. Then I find out they are now called “progressives.” Kudos to the ophthalmological community for putting a positive spin on aging, and I have to admit, I frickin’ love these things. No, really.
You must understand, this is coming from a person who gets motion sick standing still. I can look at something and get motions sick. I can blink and get so nauseated I have to lie down. So I was really, really worried about these new-fangled progressives. BUT! Here I am, living proof that these things rock. Most of the time.
I do have one little problem and that is writing. I know, right? I make my living writing, so this is not good, but I cannot for the life of me get the writing thing down. I glance at the keyboard for a microsecond and look up to find my world tail spinning in an alien vortex. It’s crazy. I simply cannot figure out what to do. Then I have to either close my eyes for about five seconds to stop the spin and get off the ride, or I have to keep moving my head until I find just the right angle to see the words I’d just typed.
Bizarrely enough, I don’t get sick. I do, however, get a screaming headache after about two hours of this and I have to take a long break. For me, that is not good. I can’t imagine it would be good for any writer.
So here is my plea, dear readers. What the bloody heck do I do about it? I did talk to the doctor’s receptionist who also fills prescriptions and does adjustments. She said I just have to get used to it, to move my head and not my eyes, and if I can’t then I might consider a different pair of glasses to wear when I’m writing that are single vision only. But I was getting headaches with my single vision glasses too. AND nauseated. There is nothing worse.
Okay, maybe world hunger, but you get my meaning.
Any suggestions are welcome.
Thank you for listening to my rant. 😊