12 June 2014
I was recently asked what my top five dream writing destinations where. This was a fun post to write.
My number five dream-writing destination would be on a boat (preferably a
yacht) in the middle of the Mediterranean with tiny islands to explore
and sparkling blue water all around me. The only problem with this
scenario is I get motion sick, so I probably couldn’t write there for
very long. But still.
Number four would be sitting at the top of a lighthouse in Maine. I’m not sure why Maine other than the
fact that my sister and I have wanted to move there for years and live
in a lighthouse. I’m not sure why my sister has always desired this, but
for me it began with seeing the movie Pete’s Dragon when I was a kid.
I’ve wanted to live in a lighthouse every since. Our husbands are
against the idea, however. We’re from New Mexico so, yeah, it might get
chilly, but that’s what coats are for, yes?
Number three involves dead people. Lots of dead people who are apparently having trouble staying that way. It is considered the most haunted graveyard in the world, and I’d love to write smack dab in the middle of the Greyfriars Kirkyard cemetery in Edinburgh, Scotland. Preferably at
night by the light of a lantern. Fodder, baby. It’s all about the fodder.

Number two on my dream list would be sitting
in a cottage in Chawton Village at the table where Jane Austen wrote Pride and Prejudice. I’m a huge fan of Jane’s and I’m certain we were BFFs in another life. Since the table (Jane didn’t even have a desk with
which to write upon!) is under glass and I can’t actually write there,
I’d settle for a trip to the Mother Country and a tour of the beautiful
cottage next to Chawton House. Perhaps I’d take out a napkin, place it
on the glass, and write a quick line or two. Is that weird?