09 June 2015
#ragt15 Recap
A Giggly Kind of Love was hosted by Darynda Jones, Robyn Peterman, Eve Langlais and Donna McDonald. We had a giggletastic time! See pictures for proof! They speak for themselves. We played some fantastic games, revealed a few writing secrets (and a few personal ones that might should have stayed a secret), and got to hang with some amazing readers who grilled us on our books and characters. Bottom line: We had a blast!!!
Create a Cover Event
The ladies did such a great job!
Book Signing!
My fellow readers inspire me. I always look forward to meeting them.
Fortune Cookie Story Starter...Chat with the author!
We gave away prizes after a thorough grilling about all our characters and future books.
Kris Kalvert, J.M. Madden, Kallypso Masters, and Sharon Hamilton were all present with Robyn, Donna, Eve and moi!
Here are some fun facts I learned during the event:
- Eighties music inspires Eve Langlais to write love scenes.
- Kris Kalvert writes best at night.
- Eve writes between 9 a.m. and noon and she writes what she wants to read.
- Sharon Hamilton writes until she gets tired, then she might nap for a few hours and get back to it to make a deadline.
Prizes were given away!
Authors Behaving Badly.....
Sometimes we can't help ourselves.
Poor Donna just couldn't stand to watch!
Basket Giveaway
#RAGT15 raised over $20,000 for One Way Farm, a local home for abused and abandoned children, and thousands for other charities as well. Readers and authors donated prize baskets and purchased raffle tickets to give to a good cause. It was so fun!!!!
Shout out to all the Grimlets that came out to see me!!!
Surprise gift! SWEET!
- Grimlet Sara Lee surprised me!!!
Look at the awesome T-shirt they had made!!!!
Special thanks to Grimlet Mel Scifi for taking almost all the pictures in my post, and for your wonderful basket donations!
Stacy McKitrick you rocked! Thanks for the lift!