11 June 2013
Special Guest ILONA ANDREWS and Giveaway!
Please help me welcome a very special guest: The incomparable ILONA ANDREWS!
I have to admit to a bit of a crush. Ilona is awesome and to say that she is a stellar talent would be an understatement. She rocks and you'll soon see why.
So, without further ado . . .
Ilona Andrews is the pseudonym for a husband and wife writing team. This absolutely fascinates me! So, how does that work in terms of writing time, page time, etc.? Is there a split between, say, heat and action? Inquiring minds want to know!
Thank you so much for having me over. 😊 We plot together, then I write out the first draft while we talk through the dialogue and scenes as we go along, then Gordon edits, then I edits and that's kind of how we work. We sit in the same room within ten feet of each other, so our books are actual collaborations.
Can you tell us a little about your series? You have two out, yes?

We're probably mostly known for Kate Daniels, our urban fantasy series set in post-Apocalyptic Atlanta. Magic came back and it's flooding the world in waves, so one minute guns work and the next they don't. Magic waves bring out monsters, ancient gods, and other things with big teeth and healthy appetites. Kate is trying to eek out a living in this chaotic mess by helping people with their magic hazmat. The other series, the Edge, is kind of hard to classify. We've been calling it rural fantasy. It is complete right now at four books and it has strong romance elements.
I’ve been hearing a lot about this Curran fellow. *sigh* The way I see it, anyone that drool worthy deserves my undivided attention. Can you give us the lowdown on him?
Our Atlanta has a very large shapeshifter pack, known simply as the Pack. There are fifteen hundred members and they are segregated into seven clans according to the animal they turn into. Each Clan has a pair of alphas, but all of the alphas answer to Curran. They don't do this because he has inherited his position. They do this because out of all of them, he is the most lethal. He has earned his authority at fifteen and he kept it for a decade and a half, forging the Pack into a cohesive disciplined force. He would die for his people and they would die for him.
I have to say, you have some incredible reviews! Clearly you are very good at what you do. Have you always wanted to write?
Thank you. 😊 No, I wanted to be an evil scientist. But that's a different story.
What did I tell you?
And to make her even more awesome, Ilona is offering a Collector's Edition of Magic Bites to one lucky commenter. Leave a comment below for your chance to win. The giveaway is open to US residents only and will end this Friday at noon central time.