

28 April 2014

The Rising King by Shea Berkley Giveaway


(A Keepers of Life Novel)

the rising king bookThe summer before Dylan Kennedy's senior year in high school is turning out to be anything but boring. Ridiculously hot girlfriend? Check. Killing evil Dark Souls who suddenly have aspirations of taking over the magical realm of Teag because its protective spell is gone? Check. Not even Teag's King, Dylan's father, Baun, can stop them. People are dying, and a dark magic that his girlfriend, Kera, received from Baun is growing stronger. Dylan wants to believe Kera is suppressing the darkness that's in her, but every day he sees her control slip just a little more. Baun sends Dylan to find a powerful magic to stop the Dark Souls, a magic so strong Baun hid it so no one else could use it. What Dylan doesn't expect to find on his quest are consequences that could end the lives of those closest to him.

Keepers of Life

The Marked Son (Keepers of Life #1)


  Seventeen-year-old Dylan Kennedy always knew something was different about him, but until his mother abandoned him in the middle of Oregon with grandparents he’s never met, he had no idea what.

When Dylan sees a girl in white in the woods behind his grandparents’ farm, he knows he’s seen her before... in his dreams. He’s felt her fear. Heard her insistence that only he can save her world from an evil lord who uses magic and fear to feed his greed for power.

Unable to shake the unearthly pull to Kera, Dylan takes her hand. Either he’s completely insane or he’s about to have the adventure of his life, because where they’re going is full of creatures he’s only read about in horror stories. Worse, the human blood in his veins has Dylan marked for death...


The Fallen Prince (Keepers of Life #2)


There is a magical realm that exists alongside the human realm, but it wasn’t always so. The firsts are beings who were created to nurture the land. The world was split into two realms, and the firsts were allowed to redeem themselves. Sadly, the majority continued with their self-indulgent behavior to the point where one of their own, a king, became so obsessed with power, he was secretly banished by the court in hopes his absence would calm the masses. But a spark of madness was ignited and not even the lost king's absence could curtail what he set in motion.




Meet Shea Berkley

 24a6fce762480a7e9d9acc.L._V157097248_SX200_Shea Berkley started out writing nonfiction (not so fun) and quickly moved into fiction (totally fun), and knew she'd found her calling. (Her family was thrilled she'd found friends to play with even if they weren't technically real.) She's still pleasantly surprised people are willing to pay to read her stories. Besides writing, her many diversions include kickboxing, reading awesome books and hanging out with her loud and rambunctious family. With five kids (all girls), her biggest job is to make sure the little darlings don't harass the neighbors and then play dumb when the cops come knocking on her door.

Visit Shea at her website: www.sheaberkley.com



giveaway lettering

10 Digital copies of  The Rising King will be given away to 10 lucky winners!


BUMPER STICKER - Second Grave on the Left