

25 July 2015

The Ulitmate Charley Davidson BFF Contract


Charley knew the moment she met Cookie they would be best friends forever.BFF contract


  • I promise to listen to my BFF.

    (Even if it’s about book boyfriends. Or books period. Or weird stuff.)


  • I promise to keep in touch with my BFF constantly.

(Unless I lose my phone. Or it’s stolen. Or it was confiscated by the FBI.)


  • I promise to be there when my BFF needs me.

(Unless my cover has been blown and I’m tied up. Or in a dark, scary hole. Or both.)


  • I promise to be honest with my BFF at all times.

(Unless she asks if there is a departed standing next to her and there is but it would freak her out.)


  • I promise to have coffee ready for my BFF if I’m the first person up.

(And I haven’t drunk the whole pot, yet.)


  • I promise to never keep anything from my BFF.

(Unless it involves a surprise party or a strip-o-gram.)


  • I promise to help my BFF grow into a better person.

(Warning: This is bound to happen by way of unconventional means.)


  • I promise to not act surprised when my BFF starts talking to non existent people on the phone.

(This could happen. A lot.)


  • I promise to set aside my book, my boyfriend, and myself when my best friend has a problem and needs to talk.

(Unless I am in the aforementioned dark, scary hole. Without my phone.)


  • I promise to always be honest when it comes to rating my BFFs outfit.

(No, really!)


  • I promise to laugh WITH, not AT, my BFF.

       (Unless said BFF’s outfit is hilarious.)


  • I promise never to do anything to screw up our friendship.

(With the exception of drinking the last of cup of coffee. I can’t promise that.)


  • I promise not to fall in love with my best friend. EVER.

I hereby agree to these conditions.

If there is a breach of contract, the injured party has discretion on the kind of punishment or torture to be imposed to the other party, but reasonable means to remedy the breach is highly encouraged.   (Ex. Talking it out while offering mocha coffee and lots of chocolate.)

                        _______________                                       _______________

                        Party A                                                                     Party B