

15 October 2020

Inquiring Minds Want to Know ~Part II

Who is your favorite author and why?

1. Who is your favorite author and why?

Oh, man. So many. So, so many. If I must name just one, I’d say JR Ward. She is amazing on every level, but my main reason would be her characters. Such grit and allure and flaws and vulnerabilities. They are everything.

2. What are you reading now?
At this moment, I am reading Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi

3. Favorite quote (doesn’t matter the source)
“…the more obdurate the hero, the greater the triumph when the heroine brings him to his knees.” —Julie Beard.

4. Favorite all time witch.
My favorite witch will forever be Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Le sigh…

5. Do you listen to audiobooks? If so, are there any you’d recommend?
Constantly! I love audiobooks. I would highly recommend anything narrated by Lorelei King, especially the Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs. Moon Called? I also love The Duke and I by Julia Quinn, narrated by Rosalyn Lander and Envy, narrated by Victor Slezak.

Who is your favorite author?

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