

19 August 2011


11 August 2011

GIVEAWAY: The Marked Son!

Guess what I have in my hot little hands. Go ahead. I'll wait. Okay, the title of this post probably gave it away, but I am giving away a SIGNED copy of Shea Berkley's THE MARKED SON! This book rocks! AND IT'S SIGNED! This is the first in a series by the incomparable Shea Berkley.…

30 July 2011


WE HAVE OUR WINNERS!!! Thank you so much to everyone for entering! What an amazing response. With the help of Random.org, these are our FIVE winners! (I upped it to five on FB.) Wendy Sachs Shari Laws Sarah Baker Terri Franco Marguerite Calderone CONGRATS!!!! Contact me if I haven’t gotten a…

25 July 2011

Gearing Up Giveaway!

I realized today, thanks in large part to my amazing publicist and all around hunny bunny at St. Martin's (waves madly at Loren) that Second Grave is coming out pretty darned quick. I have so much to do! I am still scheduling a blog tour, setting up signings, and working on the most…

05 July 2011


RELEASE DAY for the trade paperback of FIRST GRAVE ON THE RIGHT! WOOT!!! ………..˜*•. ˜*•.•*˜ .•*˜………….. ˜*•. ˜”*°•.˜”*°•.•°*” ˜.•°*”˜ .•*˜ ˜”*°•.˜”* *RELEASE DAY* *”˜. •° *”˜ .•*˜ .•°* ” ˜.•° *…

17 June 2011

GOOSEBUMPS: A Writerly Post

So, I’m at lunch today with a very dear friend whom, I’ve recently discovered, is a writer. Now, we’ve been friends forever, and we only just found out we both have always wanted to be writers. Yeah, we were scratching our heads, too. We’re sitting there and I tell her I’m working on…

25 May 2011


1. They’re obsessed with how to commit the perfect murder. 2. They often stare into space for no reason. 3. They never dangle their participles for fear of being arrested. 4. They know a tad too much about poisons. 5. They know more sexual positions than the professionals. 6. Their ideal work…

23 May 2011

Girls with Glasses: A Cry for Help

Due to my nigh-elderly state, I had to get bifocals. Yep, bifocals. Then I find out they are now called “progressives.” Kudos to the ophthalmological community for putting a positive spin on aging, and I have to admit, I frickin’ love these things. No, really. You must understand, this is…

12 May 2011

A Girl Squishy and White (Short Story)

Suzy Kramer called me two days after she died. I was surprised. My family had gone to bed and I’d stayed up late to do homework, which sat on the coffee table, abandoned in lieu of a late-night movie. When Suzy called, a swamp monster had draped a beautiful girl over his arms to carry into the…

03 May 2011

The Magic of Poetry

I've been sampling a lot of poetry lately. Writing poetry is almost the polar opposite of writing novels. Such a different focus and perspective. I started writing poetry, like many writers, at a very young age, when my discovery of the written word was new and fantastical. But the magic has…

22 April 2011


Yeah, knew that would get your attention. 😊 If you plan to be in the Clovis, NM, area on Friday April 29th, stop by the Clovis Community College for a reading, a fun discussion and FREE PIZZA!!! Wow, that pic is really blurry.

BUMPER STICKER - Second Grave on the Left