Using Archetypes To Find Your Story by Hope Ramsay
I write romance, and that means my stories are, by necessity, character driven. That doesn’t mean I ignore plot or story — my books have plenty of plot, and storytelling is my favorite thing about writing. But in a romance the story should grow out of the struggles of the characters. …
The Care and Feeding of A Romance Author by Louisa Cornell
The long-standing myth about writers, especially romance writers, is we lie around dressed in silk on Victorian fainting couches eating chocolate bon bons, and dictating our novels to prim little secretaries whilst a hunk built like Gerard Butler in 300 fans us with a large ostrich feather fan.…
Beam Me Up Monday with Shea Berkley
Everyone has secrets. Some secrets are more salacious than innocent, or more irresistible than outrageous. What I like about being a writer is that I get to uncover my characters secrets, and to their horror, wave them around in public before piecing their broken lives back together. (Sort of…
Dark Screams Vol. 3 is the third in a 4- part collection of horror stories featuring Stephen King, Clive Barker, Peter Staub, Jacquelyn Frank, and many more, including yours truly! And it’s now available for pre-order!!! NANCY by Darynda Jones Though she’s adopted by the cool kids, the new…
A Brief History of the Ruby Slippered Sisterhood by Elisa Beatty
We’ve got lots of new folks joining the Winter Writing Festival this year, some of whom may have been wondering exactly who the Ruby Slippered Sisterhood are. So here’s some quick history: The Rubies are a true sisterhood, but not by birth. We came together on March 25, 2009, when we were all…
Sexy fun with a little death thrown in!
Sexy fun with a little death thrown in. Follow the link for your chance! #1stGrave #amazongiveaway #daryndajones #charleydavidson #grimreaper
Pre-Order Eighth Grave After Dark NOW!
Pre-order your copy NOW!!! Visit to purchase Eighth Grave After Dark by Darynda Jones!
Wanderings on Writing Interview with Jane Lindskold!!!!
I am ecstatic to announce that today we are talking with author Jane Lindskold, and while I want to focus on her new book for writers, Wanderings on Writing, Jane is also well known in the SF (science fiction) and fantasy community. I first met Jane at New Mexico’s very own SF convention,…
10 Reasons We Love Darynda and Charley
Darynda and Charley tell us what they would do in these situations. What would you do? 1. In a box you discover a library book 5 years overdue. DARYNDA: I would definitely take it back (while wearing the cone of shame) and pay restitution for my wrongdoing. CHARLEY: I would totally reread…
25 Black Friday Surprise Grab Bags!!!
Enter to WIN! 25 Fabulous readers will win an exclusive Darynda Jones Black Friday Grab Bag. There are books, wallets, notebooks, mouse pads, jewelry, and much more up for grabs! Enter using the Rafflecopter below.
Seventh Grave and No Body Books and Audiobook Winners + MY COOKIE WINNER
7th Grave Books and Audiobook Winners From the Seventh Grave Tour and the "MY COOKIE" Giveaway! Below is the list of winners. All winners have been contacted via email. Thank you! 7th Grave Audiobook Winners (Facebook) Selina Harvey Marlys Mathews Melinda Lopez Jeanne Clark Jules…
Twelve Shades of Midnight Drops!!!
12 Authors…12 Unforgettable Stories The stroke of midnight ushers in many things. From hijinks and mischief to danger and evil, romance is the magic that binds these paranormal novellas together. Join 12 best-selling and award-winning authors as they explore the different shades of midnight in…