Dark Screams 3 is OUT!
NEW RELEASE AND A GIVEAWAY!!! Check out the amazing talent in this 5 story collection chock full of gloomy, disturbing tales of madness and horror.Peter Straub, Jack Ketchum, Jacquelyn Frank, Brian Hodge, and ME! Dark Screams 3...THE COLLECTED SHORT STORIES OF FREDDIE PROTHERO by Peter…
Beam Me Up Monday with Kieran Kramer
There’s something so bad-ass about standing alone.*** What’s the best thing about stand-alone books? You never have to wait for the sequel!!!! That’s a good thing, right? You can hop into my worlds and hop out again. A stand-alone story stays a shimmering whole, not altered by…
Today only!!! $1.99
TODAY ONLY! The first six in the Grave series on KINDLE only $1.99!#charleydavidson #daryndajones#kindledeal Find them HERE
Let's Chat!!!
LET'S CHAT!!! We are discussing the heck out of FIRST GRAVE ON THE RIGHT. There will be questions, answers, crazy theories thrown about like popcorn at an afternoon matinee. In other words, TONS OF FUN! BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE! After each discussion, we are giving away a phone…
FREE READ!!! First Grave On the Right
Charley joins the Wattpad community with First Grave On the Right!!! Discover, Re-Read, & Share your love for the "Grim Reaper" Click Here to Read
WIN your very own ARC of Eighth Grave After Dark!!!
WIN your very own ARC of Eighth Grave After Dark!!! There are 2 copies up for grabs!! COMMENT below letting us know how much you'd love to win! A winner will be selected using Random.org on Friday evening, April 17th @ 9PM. Best of luck!
Eighth Grave Fan Art Contest!!!
SHOW OFF YOUR MAD SKILLS! Create fan art of either Charley, Cookie, Reyes, or Garrett, and your art could APPEAR IN OUR UPCOMING AUDIOBOOK TRAILER! Yes, INSTANT SUPERSTAR STATUS! What more could you ask for? #8thGraveAudio #artcontest And, best of all, enter for a chance to…
So Who is Mr. Darcy? by Hope Ramsay
A couple of weeks ago I wrote a blog called “Using Archetypes to Find Your Story” in which I talked about an archetype system developed by Caroline Myss, and a cool set of cards that I use for character development. I was a little stunned at how popular this particular blog became, not only…
Beam Me Up Monday with Elizabeth Langston
I Don't Mind Reviews It is advice, often repeated, that authors shouldn’t read book reviews. I ignore this advice. I find it interesting to read reviews of my books. Mostly. Not the mean ones, of course. Some reviewers must feel particularly grumpy or aggressive when they write reviews.…
What Was Your First Romance? by Addison Fox
As readers, we have lots of memories of the books we read. Swoon-worthy heroes. Great kisses. Heroines we root for. We all have books we love and scenes that strike us in a particular way. I was thinking about this recently when I was discussing favorite romance novels with a friend. I’ve been…
Collaboration: How NOT to Commit Murder by Gwynlyn MacKenzie
Many moons ago, a younger cousin requested help with his writing. He’s a marvelous storyteller, enjoys roll-playing games, and, like me, is a Ren Faire denizen, but his writing was what he calls organic—aka weak, wordy, and wandering, in need of industrial-strength honing. Since he’s…
Beam Me Up Monday with Vanessa Barneveld
Ghost Post by Vanessa Barneveld For as long as I can remember, I’ve been captivated by the notion of paranormal activity. If there’s a book or movie with a ghost in it, I’ll read and watch, albeit with one hand half-covering my eyes. I blame this fascination on my mother, who loved to…