

28 July 2014

Exclusive Look At Cookie Kowalski’s Journal

THIS JOURNAL BELONGS TO COOKIE KOWALSKI Dear Journal,  I know it’s been several years since I wrote, but I now know things I never dreamed were possible. Never in a million years. And I felt I should write them down so I never forget. Alzheimer is a real possibility. And today I learned not…

21 July 2014

Darynda,  would you rather have a dragon OR be a dragon???

Exclusive Interview with Darynda Jones at Got Fiction GF:  Hi Darynda, thanks so much for the interview.  Let’s dive right in.  Charley Davidson is an all-time favorite heroine of mine.  How did Charley come about, what was your inspiration for her character? Darynda: I love that you ask…

18 July 2014

5 Myths About Writers

5 Myths About Writers   For good writers, writing is easy.   Actually, the opposite is true. Writing doesn’t get any easier with time or talent. If writing is easy for you, you’re probably still learning the craft. You haven’t perfected your style or landed upon your “voice.” You…

08 July 2014

Behind the Scenes with Charley and Reyes

(This post is a behind the scenes look of what we didn’t see in Fifth Grave Past the Light)   When last we left Charley and Reyes, Charley had just received a sticky note with a very important question on it.   Flabbergasted, I walked back to the kitchen where Reyes was stir-frying a pan of…

08 July 2014

Cookie and Amber Are Dishing It Out! ~(Exclusive Character Interview)

 Recently Cookie and Amber were interviewed by the lovely Braine from Talk Supe!  Check out what the ladies had to say!!! Braine : Hello Cookie and Amber! It’s such a pleasure to have you here with us today:   Cookie: Thank you for having us! Amber: Hi.    Braine: Cookie, how would you…

23 June 2014

My Time Capsule

Have you ever created a time capsule? Did you do it as a child or a teen? Have you ever opened one?  Time capsules are great for remembering where you are at during a given time in your life. We change every year, so this one would be for now and now only. It would probably change next year,…

16 June 2014

Dear Younger Me

Have you ever wished you could go back in time and talk to your younger self?   What if you could write a letter and have it be carried back in time? What would you tell yourself? Here is a letter I wrote. XOX!     Dear Younger Me,   As I look back at what I could have accomplished if I’d…

12 June 2014


 I was recently asked what my top five dream writing destinations where.  This was a fun post to write.    #5: My number five dream-writing destination would be on a boat (preferably a yacht) in the middle of the Mediterranean with tiny islands to explore and sparkling blue water all around…

09 June 2014

Heroes of Phenomena Book Launch!

I'm so excited to be a part of this project!!! All proceeds are going to the LOS ANGELES YOUTH ORCHESTRA. Machine Heads… you’ve outdone yourselves this time! What started as a vision by the talented Samantha Redstreake Geary, has culminated in HEROES OF PHENOMENA, a companion e-book she…

03 June 2014

We Have Blog Tour Winners!!!

WOOT!!!!! A special thanks to all the readers that participated in the tour and entered to win! The following peeps have won: Christina Marie Greenawalt analisa Jennifer Cazares Viki Sloboda Hali Sanspree CONGRATS!!!! We love you an appreciate your participation and support! Now, contact Dana to…

25 May 2014


WELCOME TO THE 25K PHONE-HOME GIVEAWAY!!!!!  In celebration of reaching 25,000 likes on FACEBOOK, we are giving away a chance to ask Darynda anything you'd like via a one-on-one phone conversation! What's next for Charley and Reyes? You'll get an answer. What color of underwear…

23 May 2014

RECAP: Literary Escapism's Interview with Darynda Jones

Check out last night's LIVE interview with Literary Escapism! Lots of interesting questions, but no spoilers!   Watch for yourself! Thank you, Jackie, for having me!!! Special thanks to the readers who  watched the Live event! Mwuah!

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