Co-writing: genesis of an idea by Elizabeth Langston
My author-friend Lisa Amowitz and I are co-writing a YA historical/magical realism book, set during the American War for Independence, featuring Nathan Hale (America’s first spy) as one of the characters. She and I have decided to blog about the experience of writing a story together. Here is…
You, Your Life, Your Writing by Gwynlyn MacKenzie
When my children were born, they had two sets of grandparents and two sets of great-grandparents. They thought nothing of it, safe within the nurturing embrace of a large and loving family.I can’t recall whether Son was in kindergarten or first grade, but one day, he arrived home confused…
Success by the Numbers by Elizabeth Langston
At RWA Nationals in San Antonio, I attended a panel of hybrid authors. The discussion centered around their reasons for choosing traditional versus indie publishing. One author, who identified herself as strictly self-publishing now, stated that indie authors are the ones who are making the…
The Pixel Project - It's time to stop violence against women. Together.
The Pixel Project presents the “Read For Pixels” Google Hangout series featuring live Google Hangout Readings with award-winning bestselling authors in support of the Celebrity Male Role Model Pixel Reveal campaign, in aid of The Pixel Project and the National Coalition Against Domestic…
The Art of Revision by Addison Fox
OK…so I’ll admit it. The headline of this blog piece is hooey. As far as I can tell, there is no “art” to the process of revising a manuscript. There may be plenty of art in writing and storytelling but the process of revision is all about hard work.Hard work, you say? Come on, Addison,…
This Writer’s Life: Balance by Anne Marie Becker
Imay have blogged about balance before. It’s one of my favorite topics because I believe feeling balanced is one of the keys to happiness. To be honest, I’m not sure I qualify to lecture anyone in balance, as each case is as unique as each individual, but as a mother of three, wife, the…
What keeps YOU sane in this crazy world of writing? by Kim Law
H ave we talked about this here before? Probably. My mind stays so scattered these days that I have no idea, but I was just emailing the rubies last night about how I’ve had to take a bit of a step back from writing to kind of reset myself, and it got me to wondering what everyone does to keep…
Working titles by Elizabeth Langston
Iwas communicating with my amazing Ruby Sister Vivi the other day, mentioning that I was having a hard time with my browser opening our blog site. She suggested that I clean my cookies. And there it was–the perfect book title. Clean My Cookies. Has that ever happened to you? (READ MORE…
Spin a story in thirty words or less. by Rita Henuber
O kay I had this really nice craft post all planned and —yawn— it was boring. So now, this is what you get. A writing exercise. In my weird writing world, I take a picture and attempt to tell the story about it in as few words as possible. Why?(READ MORE HERE)This post is brought to you by…
Let's unlock THE DIRT ON NINTH GRAVE audiobook Chapter 4!!!
Share the excerpt of Chapter 3 from THE DIRT ON NINTH GRAVE audiobook and unlock Chapter 4!!!250 shares from our FACEBOOK page will UNLOCK the next chapter and give you even more of the INCREDIBLE Lorelei King (Official)!!!Follow this link!
The Dirt on Ninth Grave ~Chapter 1 ~ Narrated by Lorelei King
Lorelei King has been the voice of the snarky, sexy, and sassy girl who sees dead people, Charlotte “Charley” Davidson(not to mention all of the other characters Charley has encountered along the way).I was SO NERVOUS recording this, but it turned out to be super fun!!! I lurve me some…
It’s Hot in Here: Researching Fire Fighters by Liz Talley
So I pretty much thought by this point, I’d run out of ideas. It’s been a constant worry – what if the story ideas just stop? But, like most of you, something triggers an idea and BAM! I’m off and running with a new story. So when this particular one came to me, I knew where I would…