

01 October 2015

Are you a coffee and book lover???

We are kicking off October with six amazing guest authors! Authors, who we might add, are lovers of all things bookish and  caffeinated. Think you know your coffee lovin' authors???? All who particpate will be entered to win books! One lucky reader will take home the grand prize!!   CLICK…

01 October 2015

OUT NOW!  Brighter Than the Sun!!!

BlurbAll his life, Reyes Alexander Farrow has suffered the torments of the damned. Only one thing has given him hope: the woman who radiates a light that no mortals can see; a light that only the departed can see…Told from his point of view, BRIGHTER THAN THE SUN chronicles the first time Reyes…

30 September 2015

Meet The Man Who Invents Languages

The Art Of Language Invention by David J. Peterson. Listen to this fantastic interview with David. J. Peterson. Such talent!

23 September 2015

Early, On Time, or Late? by June Love

After a recent comment my husband made, I’ve been giving this a lot of thought. His comment, “You’re getting better about not running late.” It had almost become a joke at our house that he’d build in extra time to allow me to be ready “on time”. Only, that didn’t always work…

16 September 2015

Up To His Butt in Alligators by Louisa Cornell

I t will not surprise you to discover this historical romance writer LOVES period movies and television series. And while I do have the first four seasons of Downton Abbey on DVD, it isn’t my favorite. BBC America’s Ripper Street is my #1 guilty historical pleasure.Set in Victorian England,…

09 September 2015

Character Flaws by Rita Henuber

S implistically, a Character Flaw is what keeps your character from moving on. You, the author, have them figure out this flaw isn’t working for them. They make the change and this becomes the character arc. I feel a character’s flaw draws me into their world.Phew! I’m a little nervous…

02 September 2015

Where Do Stories Come From? by Rita Henuber

I n the top five questions authors are asked is: “Where do you get your stories?”  When asked this I quickly said, “the Amazon story store.”  I mean, Amazon sells live lady bugs and rents goats, why not sell stories?  But alas, I had to stop saying that because too many wannabe…

26 August 2015

The Fruits of Imagination by Addison Fox

Ispent the past weekend on a girls’ trip with several of my college girlfriends. We’ve been planning a trip for a while and ultimately settled on a long weekend in Orlando at Universal Studios. The big impetus behind Universal was so we could attend the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. As…

19 August 2015

Location, Location, Location! by Laurie Kellogg

W hen it comes to real estate prices, it’s all about location, location, location. But in your novel location becomes all about details, details, details and which ones you choose to focus on. Can your readers imagine the locale of your story, smell the flowers, or hear the birds chirping?As…

18 August 2015

Reading Until Dawn Con SCAVENGER HUNT

One of the main goals of Reading Until Dawn Con is to give our readers a chance to get silly and have fun with our authors. We've got a full schedule of games planned for October... but we thought it would be great to get the party started a little early. That's right... some of us…

12 August 2015

Words in the Refrigerator by Kate Parker

I t's no secret that I enjoy food. Different food groups, different cuisines, I love it all. So when Susan Elizabeth Phillips said in a speech that it’s an all too common problem to “look for the next line of our stories in the refrigerator,” it touched my taste buds.There are many…

05 August 2015

I Got Nothing…by June Love

Which is exactly what I had when I volunteered to post today. When I began typing this, I still had nothing. Oh, I could ramble. I’m very good at rambling. I can ramble with the best of them. I can ramble about rambling. See what I’m doing here?Then, I had a thought. Why don’t I write…

BUMPER STICKER - Second Grave on the Left