My #RT15 Recap
Grimlets rocked Dallas #RT15 Special thanks to all who came out to support and cheer us on. The book signing was a wonderful! Being able to meet readers is always the best part of any convention.And, like many of you, I fangirled HARD! EEP!!! I got to meet some of my favorite authors, too!…
Beam Me Up Monday with Jeffe Kennedy
A lmost six years ago, I moved from Wyoming to Santa Fe, New Mexico. We moved so that my husband, David, could go back to school to start a second career as a Doctor of Oriental Medicine. We’d been in Wyoming for over twenty years, living in a small university town where I had a lot of friends…
8th Grave Virtual Signing!!!
My pretties!!!Signing!!!! Personalized and autographed!Each and everyone! Ready to be shipped!A BIG thank you to everyone who pre-ordered and everyone who did the virtual signing.It was a huge success,thanks to your continued support!!! What's a Virtual Signing anyway?A…
Eighth Grave Drops in the UK!!!
EEP!!! Eighth Grave After Dark is the Book of the Week on the Piatkus site. Don't you just love the UK covers???? I can't wait to visit one day! Buy Links:iBooks:…
Eighth Grave After Dark is here!!!!
Hello GRIMLETS!I am interrupting this commercial break to announce the release of the EIGHTH GRAVE AFTER DARK, the eighth book in the Charley Davidson series!YAY!*insert evil laugh*Here's the lowdown: With twelve hellhounds after her, pregnant Charley Davidson takes refuge at the only…
Beam Me Up Monday with Vivi Andrews
SHOULDA COULDA WOULDA by Vivi AndrewsI hate missing opportunities. I learned a long time ago that I am the kind of girl who will always jump off the cliff (usually with a bungee attached to my ankles) rather than live with the regret of missing the opportunity to feel that rush. I don’t want to…
Dark Screams 3 is OUT!
NEW RELEASE AND A GIVEAWAY!!! Check out the amazing talent in this 5 story collection chock full of gloomy, disturbing tales of madness and horror.Peter Straub, Jack Ketchum, Jacquelyn Frank, Brian Hodge, and ME! Dark Screams 3...THE COLLECTED SHORT STORIES OF FREDDIE PROTHERO by Peter…
Beam Me Up Monday with Kieran Kramer
There’s something so bad-ass about standing alone.*** What’s the best thing about stand-alone books? You never have to wait for the sequel!!!! That’s a good thing, right? You can hop into my worlds and hop out again. A stand-alone story stays a shimmering whole, not altered by…
Today only!!! $1.99
TODAY ONLY! The first six in the Grave series on KINDLE only $1.99!#charleydavidson #daryndajones#kindledeal Find them HERE
Let's Chat!!!
LET'S CHAT!!! We are discussing the heck out of FIRST GRAVE ON THE RIGHT. There will be questions, answers, crazy theories thrown about like popcorn at an afternoon matinee. In other words, TONS OF FUN! BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE! After each discussion, we are giving away a phone…
FREE READ!!! First Grave On the Right
Charley joins the Wattpad community with First Grave On the Right!!! Discover, Re-Read, & Share your love for the "Grim Reaper" Click Here to Read
WIN your very own ARC of Eighth Grave After Dark!!!
WIN your very own ARC of Eighth Grave After Dark!!! There are 2 copies up for grabs!! COMMENT below letting us know how much you'd love to win! A winner will be selected using on Friday evening, April 17th @ 9PM. Best of luck!