

15 July 2015

Chicken or the Egg???  by Liz Talley

Chicken or the Egg?It’s an age old dispute that we’ve talked about only…forever. Personally, I don’t really care which came first. I just want to eat both of them, preferably fried. Hey, I’m a Southerner.But that old debate leads me to something writers often debate – is success…

08 July 2015

Why YA?  by Vanessa Barneveld

Y  esterday I celebrated a birthday that puts me ever further away from my books’ target audience: teens. (There’s a ‘two’ in my age, and let’s leave it at that, shall we? ) Despite this, I’m in no way ready to leave high school behind me. Nor am I quite ready to see Young Adult,…

02 July 2015

10 Memory Jogging Tips

Write It Down. Keep a notebook for just this purpose. Post Sticky Notes. Jot it down on a sticky and place where you can see it. Text it.   Send yourself a TEXT. You are sure to see it on your phone. Hit Record.  Use your phone to record great ideas or important details anywhere.Attitude is…

01 July 2015

The Kill Shot by Addison Fox

D uring the Winter Writing Festival I was in the chat room one night and we got to talking about our works in progress. While there, I mentioned that I hit a point in every single manuscript where I want to kill both my characters. Give ‘em both a big ‘ole Thelma and Louise over a cliff so I…

25 June 2015

Room Five

** You wake up at the end of a long, dark corridor. Someone slams and locks the door behind you. There’s no way to go but forwards. At the end of the corridor is a heavy wooden door.In front of you is an envelope with your name on it. You open it with trembling hands. It says, ‘You have been…

25 June 2015

Extraordinary Beatlemania for all!!!

We love the Beatles!!! One of our favorite shows to see each year is the Beatles Love show at the Mirage!               It's our must see each time we visit Vegas.          The characters are amazing! [caption id="attachment_9798" align="alignnone"…

24 June 2015

Finding the Aha Moments by Autumn Jordon

L ast week, for about the twelfth time, I found myself befuddled up to my eyeballs over a romantic suspense work in progress. Whether you’re a panster, like myself, or a plotter, at some point you could find fresh ideas hiding in the deepest, darkness recesses of your mind amongst a pile of…

22 June 2015

Exclusive Audio Book Lovin’ Series Interviews

Kelly from Books-n-Kisses and Viviana, from Enchantress of Books interviewed Lorelei King and me on their Audio Book Lovin’ Series!!!Here are both interviews!  Enjoy!   For more information on the hostesses of the Audio Book Lovin’ Series visit their sites. …

17 June 2015

Tools of the Trade: Empathy by Tamara Hogan

  When writers think about the tools of our trade, our thoughts might understandably go to craft: words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs. Grammar, punctuation, spelling, word choice. Characters, plot, setting, tense. Point of view, goal/motivation/conflict, dialogue, pace. And yes – all these…

12 June 2015


We love it! Lorelei is so amazing!!And the Macmilliam audio team are the bomb!!!Enjoy this incredible fan art video!!!‪‪#‎audiomonth‬ ‪#‎8thgraveaudio‬ ‪#‎charleydavidsonfanart‬

10 June 2015

In One and Done by Katie Graykowski

In One and Done.    So here’s the thing, I have a secret. My first draft is my only draft.When I sit down to write a story, I write the story. I’m not bragging or saying that my process is better than others, I’m just saying that whatever writing process gets the job done, is the right…

09 June 2015

#ragt15 Recap

A Giggly Kind of Love was hosted by Darynda Jones, Robyn Peterman, Eve Langlais and Donna McDonald. We had a giggletastic time!  See pictures for proof! They speak for themselves.  We played some fantastic games, revealed a few writing secrets (and a few personal ones that might should have…