

24 June 2015

Finding the Aha Moments by Autumn Jordon

L ast week, for about the twelfth time, I found myself befuddled up to my eyeballs over a romantic suspense work in progress. Whether you’re a panster, like myself, or a plotter, at some point you could find fresh ideas hiding in the deepest, darkness recesses of your mind amongst a pile of…

22 June 2015

Exclusive Audio Book Lovin’ Series Interviews

Kelly from Books-n-Kisses and Viviana, from Enchantress of Books interviewed Lorelei King and me on their Audio Book Lovin’ Series!!!Here are both interviews!  Enjoy!   For more information on the hostesses of the Audio Book Lovin’ Series visit their sites. …

17 June 2015

Tools of the Trade: Empathy by Tamara Hogan

  When writers think about the tools of our trade, our thoughts might understandably go to craft: words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs. Grammar, punctuation, spelling, word choice. Characters, plot, setting, tense. Point of view, goal/motivation/conflict, dialogue, pace. And yes – all these…

12 June 2015


We love it! Lorelei is so amazing!!And the Macmilliam audio team are the bomb!!!Enjoy this incredible fan art video!!!‪‪#‎audiomonth‬ ‪#‎8thgraveaudio‬ ‪#‎charleydavidsonfanart‬

10 June 2015

In One and Done by Katie Graykowski

In One and Done.    So here’s the thing, I have a secret. My first draft is my only draft.When I sit down to write a story, I write the story. I’m not bragging or saying that my process is better than others, I’m just saying that whatever writing process gets the job done, is the right…

09 June 2015

#ragt15 Recap

A Giggly Kind of Love was hosted by Darynda Jones, Robyn Peterman, Eve Langlais and Donna McDonald. We had a giggletastic time!  See pictures for proof! They speak for themselves.  We played some fantastic games, revealed a few writing secrets (and a few personal ones that might should have…

08 June 2015

#9thGrave Cover Reveal

COVER REVEAL! Want a peek at the new cover of The Dirt on Ninth Grave? Solve the puzzle to reveal it! JK! We wouldn't do that to you.  Hop over to Heroes and Heartbreakers to view the new cover and let us know what you think!http://www.heroesandheartbreakers.com/…/exclusive-cover-rev…

05 June 2015

Listen up! It’s Audiobook Month!

That’s right, folks! June is Audiobook Month. Woot! Woot!I gotta tell ya, I have loved audiobooks for many a year. I first discovered them while making the hazardous (okay, not really) journey to and from Albuquerque when my eldest, who was born deaf, was just a little guy. We had to venture…

03 June 2015

What Did You Learn from Judging Contests? by Elisa Beatty

I always find that judging clarifies “craft” for me. Reading a stack of contest entries, I see patterns in what works well, and what doesn’t work well, and notice how subtle factors can make the difference between a merely-competent entry and one that’s truly award-worthy.  (READ MORE…

01 June 2015


The following giveaways have ended:Eighth Grave After Dark Skull Bracelet Watch GiveawayA Startastic Charley GiveawayThe Dark Screams GiveawayExclusive Eighth Grave After Dark Newsletter Giveaway (for Subscribers ONLY)Exclusive Dark Screams 3 Newsletter Giveaway (for Subscribers ONLY) All…

28 May 2015

My Movie Picks

  For those of you that don't already know, I'm a movie lover. Thought I'd share a few of the ones I want to see.Check out these upcoming movies!Which ones do you find interesting?  S PRING Gosh!  It looks so strange and interesting how can I not watch this one! Plus,…

27 May 2015

Books That Put Up a Fight by Vivi Andrews

W e’re deep in the heart of the Winter Writing Festival, pushing toward the final stretch and if you’re still going strong GO GO GO!!!  You’ve got this! *But for some of us, what started out with wonderful momentum and the piling up of beautiful new words may have started to fade into…